Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tiny Hands in the Kitchen

Toddlers are famous for their 'monkey see, monkey do,' behavior.  They love doing all the things they see mommy and daddy doing...whether we'd like them to or not!  My son watches me cook all the time and it's a struggle to keep him out of the kitchen.  So every once and a while, I bring him into the kitchen for an Ayden-friendly recipe.

When bringing a little one into the kitchen, preparation is key.  Pick a space and clear the area.  I have a small section of counter over the dishwasher that's next to the sink that I use for Ayden.  There are no rugs beneath and I keep everything on the counter off or out of reach.  I gather all that I need and have it ready to go before bringing him in. I also have a washcloth and a clean set of play clothes at the ready for when we're done!

This time, we made sugar free strawberry jello with real strawberries.  I handled the hot water and Ayden did all the stirring.  I thawed and chopped the strawberries ahead of time and he got to add them into the jello.  There was lots of sampling with the strawberries, so make sure you have extra!  Little ones are more likely to eat the finished product if they're familiar with all the ingredients, so it's good for them to taste the pieces as it's coming together.

Stirring like a pro!

I only used about half the bag of strawberries for this one.

As an added bonus, I made these in individual cups so it's quick and easy to pull out later!

There's no real recipe here...just follow the package instructions on the jello box and toss in your desired amount of can't really  have too much fruit, in my opinion.  We just had so much fun with this, I thought I'd share!

If you enjoyed this post and want to see more ways to have fun with your little ones, check out this post.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Low Carb Creme Brulee

There is something so indulgent about the silky smooth goodness that is creme brulee.  It's one of my favorite desserts to order when we're out and not as tricky to make at home as you might think.  I have had this recipe for a low carb creme brulee for as long as I can remember and it's super easy.  If you're in Induction, you can leave off the crunchy, sugary topping and still enjoy the rich custard.

6 egg yolks
1/4 cup Splenda
2 cups heavy cream
2 tsp vanilla
2 tsp granulated sugar (optional)

1.  In a mixing bowl, beat together the egg yolks and Splenda together until well blended.

2.  Slowing add the cream and vanilla, mixing as you go.  Mix well until it begins to froth.

3.  Pour into small ramekins and place in a large baking dish.

4.  Carefully pour water into the baking careful not to get any into the ramekins.  Fill to about halfway up the sides of the ramekins.

5.  Bake for 1 hour at 325 until centers are just set.  Remove carefully from the baking dish and let cool.

6.  Lightly sprinkle sugar over the tops of the custards.*  If you have a butane torch, carefully caramelize the sugar...try to get it golden brown but not black.  If you do not have a torch, place the ramekins under the broiler on high and watch them closely and remove when done.

*If you want to cut back further on carbs, omit this step and enjoy the custard as-is.  2 tsp. of sugar has approximately 8 carbs.  The servings will vary based on the size of your ramekins.

For an added treat, you can top this with sugar free fruit preserves or whole berries...just be aware that this elevates the carb count, so portion control is key.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Lessons in Parenting: Never Underestimate a Toddler

I had an experience yesterday that was both funny and one of those 'parenting moments.'  Our son is almost two and he's always amazing us with how much he's learned.  Here's just one of those moments where he really got the best of us.
If I were a redbox case, where would I be?
We'd brought home a Redbox movie that the hubby's parents had.  (It was "Now You See Me," if you're curious...excellent movie.)  We'd watched it the night before and since the little one was down for his afternoon nap, I was going to leave him with Aaron so I could return the movie.  I had left the case on top of the TV stand which, admittedly, was not so smart because it's low to the ground and therefore, within the reach of small fingers.  It wasn't there.  Well, great.  I had two choices...hunt for this stupid case or pay for the replacement.  Yes, it's only around $1.50 to replace the case but still...we're trying to buy a house and our loan program requires us to account for every penny we spend.  Anyway...I searched the house high and low.  I looked in the bathroom.  I looked in the guest room.  I moved the couches to see if it was underneath.  I even snuck into his room while he napped to look for it.  Nothing.  I asked Aaron where it was.  His response?  "I saw it earlier today.  Ayden had it."  Wow.  Thanks.  

Just when I was about to give up, I looked hung my head in defeat.  There it was.  On the DVD shelf.  

Today's lesson: never underestimate a toddler.  They're smarter than you think.  

Thursday, September 5, 2013

It's Fall Y'all!

Well you know it's fall when Starbucks rolls out the Pumpkin Spice Latte.  Before you ask, no I haven't gotten one yet but yes, I intend to at some point.  Beginning this month, I'm going to be prepping my house/life for the holidays.  Yes, I realize Christmas is nearly three months away, but it'll sneak up on me fast.  For me, it always feels like once Halloween hits, everything else is rushing in behind it.  So preparedness is key.  But on the other hand, it's important to 'stop and smell the roses.'  What fun are the holidays if you can't enjoy them?  So on that note, I'll be writing about my to do lists, both fun and functional, from now until New Years.  Of course, I'll still be sharing recipes and other tips in between.

Let's start out with my holiday prep list.  My goal is to finish everything on this list before the end of this month.  That way, I can enjoy all the fall fun in October...pumpkin patch, here we come!

1. Fall Cleaning
You've all heard of Spring cleaning, but now that summer's over, it's time to do it again.  Not to mention, when you start with a clean slate, it's much easier to just do touch ups throughout the busy season.  Remember, start from the top of the house and work down.  Don't forget your car!  Get an oil change and clean the car inside and out!

2.  Purge and Organize
This really goes hand-in-hand with my first item.  When you're cleaning out your closets, bring fall and winter items to the front and spring and summer items go to the back.  While you switch them out, take the opportunity to evaluate your wardrobe and get rid of items that don't fit or are worn out.  Go through your pantry and get rid of items that are past their expiration date or you simply won't eat.  Keep in mind that unopened, non expired food can be donated to a food bank or homeless shelter.  Same goes for clothes and housewares...these are great donation items.

3. Evaluate Your Calendar
If you need to make doctor appointments, now is the time to get them out of the way.  Same goes for any house maintenance (i.e. have a toilet that runs?  Get a plumber out to nip that in the bud now!).  If you plan to have any holiday parties, decide the date as soon as possible so you can send out invitations in plenty of time for your guests to fit you in (don't send out a Christmas invite now...but I would send them out 4 weeks in advance).

4.  Prepare for Family Photos
Book your favorite photographer early!  Their calendar is likely to fill up fast because everyone wants Christmas photos in time to send out cards.  Not sure how soon is soon enough?  Just ask.  Be clear about the date that you want the finished product ready and they can help you figure out a good date to get your pictures taken.  In addition to making your appointment, start thinking and shopping for your outfits.  You want to 'go' together without being matchy-matchy...unless you're into that sort of thing.  It's good to shop early before the selection gets picked over and gives you plenty of time to shop sales and get alterations done if need be.  Oh...and one last thing...get thee to a salon!  You don't want your split ends or roots showing!  Make an appointment for the whole family to get a nice trim at least a couple weeks before your photo shoot.

A few more optional things to make your holiday season easier...

  • When you're cooking dinner, double the recipe and freeze half for an easy dinner later.

  • Stock your pantry with all the supplies you'll need for holiday baking. 
  • Set your gift-giving budget and stick to it.  Make a list of all the people you plan to give gifts to.  This will make it easier to budget how much you can afford to spend per person.  You may also want to give yourself some wiggle room within that budget in case you find yourself invited to a party and in need of a hostess gift.  

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lighter Banh Mi Wrap

When I lived in Tampa, there was a little deli down the road from my office.  I usually got something pretty vanilla...ham and cheese, maybe french onion soup...but one day a friend talked me into trying their specialty...the Banh Mi sandwich.

Now, Banh mi actually refers to the type of bread used to make this delicious Vietnamese sandwich.  But since I'm watching my carbs and overall, just trying to be healthier, I decided to take the same flavors I found in that delicious sub and incorporate them into something that was permissible in my diet.

I've made this a few times now, and I think I've finally got it down to where we like it.  To lighten it up, I use either fish or chicken and I use a low carb wrap.  This makes an excellent lunch, but I would recommend packing the ingredients separately and assembling it right before you're ready to eat.

Ingredients (Makes 2 Servings):
2 low carb tortillas
2 cups chopped romaine lettuce
1/4 cup shredded purple cabbage
1 radish, thinly sliced
2 tbsp vinegar (I like to use white wine vinegar, but apple cider vinegar works well too)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar substitute (I use Splenda)
2 tbsp mayo**
1 tbsp Siracha
2 fillets fish (tilapia, preferably) OR 2 small chicken breasts (boneless, skinless)
Old Bay seasoning or Cajun seasoning
Vegetable oil
2 tbsp cilantro, julienned
Optional ingredients:
onion, thinly sliced (green onions are lower in carbs, but regular ones will be fine if you use them sparingly)
hot pepper, thinly sliced (jalepeno, cayenne...whatever floats your boat!)

1. In a small bowl, combine cabbage, radish, vinegar, salt, and sugar substitute.  Mix well and set aside.
2. In another small bowl, combine mayo and siracha.  Mix well and set aside.
3. Rinse your protein and pat dry with paper towels.  Season both side liberally.  I use Old Bay for the fish and Cajun or even Jerk seasoning for chicken.
4.  In a medium skillet, heat oil to medium high heat.  Pan fry fish/chicken until cooked through.  Fish usually takes a couple minutes on each side.  Chicken will take a bit longer depending on thickness.
5.  While the meat cooks, assemble the wrap.  Drain the cabbage-radish mixture well and pile atop the wrap along with the lettuce and onion.
6.  Add meat to the wrap and drizzle with the sauce and garnish with cilantro and peppers.  Wrap and enjoy!

  If you're still in the Induction phase of your low-carb diet, I would recommend forgoing the wrap and subbing in another cup of lettuce and eat this as a salad.  You can thin the sauce with a bit of water to make it a delicious dressing!

I will tell you, while this does incorporate a lot of those wonderful flavors from the original sandwich, if you ever have the opportunity to try the real deal--do it!  They're so delicious!  I hope you enjoy this lighter version.  If you have any ideas for foods that you'd like to see a low-carb version of, please submit it and I'll find one and post my findings!

**When on a low carb diet, high fat items such as mayo are OK.  However, if you're not on a low carb diet and just want a lighter overall recipe, omit the mayo and just drizzle the wrap with Siracha.  Just be's hot!