Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Low Carb Creme Brulee

There is something so indulgent about the silky smooth goodness that is creme brulee.  It's one of my favorite desserts to order when we're out and not as tricky to make at home as you might think.  I have had this recipe for a low carb creme brulee for as long as I can remember and it's super easy.  If you're in Induction, you can leave off the crunchy, sugary topping and still enjoy the rich custard.

6 egg yolks
1/4 cup Splenda
2 cups heavy cream
2 tsp vanilla
2 tsp granulated sugar (optional)

1.  In a mixing bowl, beat together the egg yolks and Splenda together until well blended.

2.  Slowing add the cream and vanilla, mixing as you go.  Mix well until it begins to froth.

3.  Pour into small ramekins and place in a large baking dish.

4.  Carefully pour water into the baking careful not to get any into the ramekins.  Fill to about halfway up the sides of the ramekins.

5.  Bake for 1 hour at 325 until centers are just set.  Remove carefully from the baking dish and let cool.

6.  Lightly sprinkle sugar over the tops of the custards.*  If you have a butane torch, carefully caramelize the sugar...try to get it golden brown but not black.  If you do not have a torch, place the ramekins under the broiler on high and watch them closely and remove when done.

*If you want to cut back further on carbs, omit this step and enjoy the custard as-is.  2 tsp. of sugar has approximately 8 carbs.  The servings will vary based on the size of your ramekins.

For an added treat, you can top this with sugar free fruit preserves or whole berries...just be aware that this elevates the carb count, so portion control is key.

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