Sunday, January 12, 2014

We're Moving!

Change is part of life.  It's not always fun or easy, but it's necessary.  For our little family, it's time to make a pretty big change.  We're moving.  Now, there is a small possibility that we'll simply be moving to the other side of Orlando, but more likely we'll be moving to San Marcos, TX (it really all depends on my husbands company and where they need him more).  Bottom line is, we're moving out of the home to which we brought our son home from the hospital.  It's bittersweet...we have created many fond memories here and we will truly miss our family and friends in Orlando, yet the prospect of a fresh start in a new city is exciting!

I will be sharing our journey with you on this blog and giving out some tips and tricks along the way for how to make an easy  less difficult move.

As of right now, my focus is to purge and organize.  You don't realize how much stuff you've accumulated until it's time to move it all.  And man, do we have a lot of stuff.  My first piece of advice here is simple: get real.  Are you REALLY going to wear those skinny clothes ever again?  Not'll want to buy new stuff after losing weight.  Are you REALLY going to fix that lamp you got for $1 at a garage sale last summer?  Probably not.  Relieve yourself of the junk that just takes up space.  If you find yourself on the fence about something or just having a hard time letting go in general...let me break it down for you like this:  Is the cost to replace the item greater than the cost to move the item?  If yes, and you really believe that in your new home you will have room for and use said item, then go ahead and pack it.  If not, then ditch it.  You can sell it before moving (more on this later) and put the money towards a replacement in your new home.  

Going through everything is overwhelming, especially if you don't have a lot of time.  To make it more manageable, break it down by room.  Start with the easier rooms like bedrooms and bathrooms and work your way up to the harder ones like the kitchen and garage.  It's also best to work from the top of your house down, just like with cleaning.  

Designate an area for things you're getting rid of.  Bins or boxes labeled 'donate' and 'sell' are a great way to keep things organized.  Of course anything you're throwing away should go directly into the garbage bin outside...don't let it clutter up your house!  

Check back for more tips on moving and to see our progress!

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