Thursday, July 11, 2013

SinfulShine with Gel Tech Review

5x shinier than a patent leather shoe!
For my final product review from the Sunkissed Vox Box by Influenster, I will be writing about the Sinful Shine with Gel Tech nail polish.  This polish is available at Walgreens for $2.99 and comes in 32 colors.  The color I got from Influenster was "In the Limelight."

First of all, I love Sinful nail polish.  It's inexpensive but not cheap.  What's the difference?  Inexpensive means it doesn't cost a lot; cheap means it's not worth a lot.  This is inexpensive nail polish.  It goes on smooth and has great coverage.  When I say 'coverage' I mean it doesn't take a million coats to achieve the color you want.  I did two coats just for good measure, but if I'd been in a hurry, I could've stopped at one.

Ok so specifically, the SinfulShine with Gel Tech is awesome.  I'm so glad I got to try it!  It's everything I love about a good polish.  For the most part, I'm not a glitter person and even shimmer is starting to annoy me with nail polish.  I like flat color but I want it to be shiny.  I just feel like non-shimmery nail polish is sleek and sophisticated.  It goes well for every day wear without looking childish.  Ordinarily I would have thought OPI was my only option for this type of polish but I HATE spending so much money on my nails.  So now that I've tried SinfulShine, I'm going to stick with it!  I will actually be heading to Walgreens later today to purchase a new color (sorry, Influenster, I just don't care for the color green when it comes to nailpolish).  Thankfully, there are 31 more shades for me to choose from.  I'll probably go with the "Picante"...a nice bright red is classic!  Or maybe the playful, pink shade "Come Hither" would be fun for a summertime mani!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Dr. Scholl's® For Her High Heel Insoles Review

Here's my fourth installation of the Sunkissed Vox Box series from Influenster!  You can read about the other cool stuff Influenster sent me here.  Today's post features the Dr. Scholl's For Her High Heel Insoles.  These insoles are actually something I've been wanting to try out for some time so I'm really glad I got to do it for free through Influenster!

So first off, these are clear, so that scores big points with me.  I did test them out in a pair of strappy heels and you can't see that's perfect.  They're also made of gel, so they are comfortable yet firm enough that I'm not walking on jelly...also good.  I will warn you that if you're like me and usually wear flip flops, you're going to find them uncomfortable at first because they have arch support.  But trust me...give them a chance.  That arch support will help to take the pressure off the ball of your foot and make you more comfortable and stable.  It's worth it to at least try to get used to it.  
See...clear and narrow enough not to go over the edge of strappy heels!

Check out that arch support!
The one other caution I'll give you is this:  These are peel and stick, so follow the directions.  Clean. Your. Shoes.  If you don't clean the inside of the shoe, they don't stick as well, plus it's kinda gross.  Just follow the directions and be careful to install them properly.  I think that's actually my only complaint...I'd have to buy a pair of these for every pair of heels I own rather than be able to use them in multiple shoes.  Although, I suppose, you'd have to anyway, because not all shoes are created equal.  Hmmm...maybe they should sell them in a shoe-fanatic multi pack?  Anyway...happy strutting ladies!
Insoles installed...ready to strut!

Crock Pot Ribs

Every once and a while I get a craving for some fall-off-the-bone-good BBQ.  However, it seems that (around here at least) to get good BBQ, you're going to pay a pretty penny for it.  Even the guy who sells ribs out of a trailer/smoker thing charges $20 for one slab of ribs!  Since I'm not made of money, I figured I ought to figure out how to satisfy my craving at home.  I've heard about people doing ribs in the crock pot, but I'd never tried it, so my good friend, Bobby, and I put our heads together and came up with this recipe:

1 slab of pork spare ribs
1/2 cup seasoning of choice*
1/2 cup 'flavor makers'**
1/2 cup water
1 bottle of BBQ sauce of choice

Rub down the entire rack of ribs with your seasoning.  If you have a really large slab, you may want to use more than a half cup.
Rubbed down!

Put the water and 'flavor makers' in the bottom of the crock pot.  Add ribs (mine were too large to do in one layer, so I just folded them over to make them fit).  Cover with lid and turn the crock pot on low.

Let roast for about 8 hours.  
Ready to Roast!

Line a baking sheet with foil for easy cleanup and CAREFULLY remove the ribs to your covered baking sheet.  Mine were falling off the bone so I had to use a large spatula to scoop them out.  Cover in your BBQ sauce and pop them in a 350 oven for 10-20 minutes (watch them and pull them out when the sauce begins to caramelize but don't let it burn.)


Serve hot and enjoy with a light summer salad!

I used a rub made for pork but you can use Cajun seasoning, jerk seasoning, basic salt and pepper with a little cumin...whatever floats your boat.

**Flavor Makers**
"Flavor Makers"
OK so this one REALLY makes a difference.  I've actually done this recipe twice now to get it perfect and I tried something different each time.  You've gotta add a little something into that water to give the meat flavor.  You can use just about anything your little heart desires.  The first time, I used tri-colored peppers and onions that had been sauteed (they were actually left overs from dinner the night before but had great flavor).  The second night I chopped up an onion, threw in a spoonful of minced garlic and a splash of soy sauce.  The flavor of these things really gets into the meat!  You could do chipotle peppers if you like a spicy flavor or you could do liquid smoke if you want the smokey flavor without the smoker!

These were SOOOOO good!  I'll definitely be making these more often now that I know it's so easy!  Be sure to use foil on your baking sheet,'s so much easier to just throw that away than to scrub at stuck-on BBQ sauce! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Mommy on the Go Beauty Routine

I know many of you out there are busy moms like me.  I know when I had my son I felt really overwhelmed with the new job.  There's so much pressure to be super mom...lose the baby weight, breastfeed/all organic/homemade baby food, have a spotless house, and do it all with a smile.  Honestly, once I got the hang of the baby thing and realized that everything didn't have to be perfect ALL the time, it got easier.  But then I looked in the mirror...whoa!  Amid all the diaper changing, night feedings, and cleaning, I realized I had quit wearing makeup entirely.  Why would I?  The only time I left the house was for the grocery store or the doctor's office.

So anyway...I finally decided that I needed to give myself a little attention too.  I wanted to start wearing makeup again, but I needed to cut my routine down dramatically.  I no longer have time for a full face, so I needed to maximize what little makeup I did use.  Over the last year and a half, I've gotten my routine down to 5 minutes...not bad, right?  It's a good thing because my son does NOT like waiting for me!

My must-haves are these:  BB cream, lip balm, mascara.  That's IT.  It's simple, fresh, and natural.  The BB cream combines SPF, tint, and moisture.  SPF is a in non-negotiable!  Lip balm is awesome because what I use is both moisturizing and tinted.  Any product that does more than one thing is a big yes in my book!  Last, but not least, mascara...I have small eyes so it really helps them to 'pop.'

So as you know, I got a new BB cream that I've been trying out.  The Olay Fresh Effects BB Cream is what Influenster sent me and I have to say, I do like it.  I used to use the Garnier BB Cream and I like Olay's better.  In my opinion, it's less greasy and is lighter than the Garnier.  Garnier is good when I'm having serious  skin issues because it's more opaque.  The Olay formula is much more sheer and allows for my naturally rosy cheeks to shine through.  With all BB Creams, if you have blemishes, you'll still need to use concealer, but I like to only use that when I really need it.

The lip balm I use is Maybelline's Baby Lips.  Is super easy to apply and moisturizes my lips (for up to 8 hours!).  They come in a limited amount of colors, but they just added a neon line for you girls who like to make a statement!

My mascara is the Ulta brand BountiFULL Lashes Mascara.  It's supposed to fortify my lashes and promote growth, but to be totally honest...I haven't noticed any extra growth.  I do, however, like the color and the smooth application.

Goody Ribbon Elastics Review

I'm sure you all remember my post on the Sunkissed Vox Box and one of the awesome products I got was a set of Goody Ribbon Elastics.  I was very excited to get these because I've been seeing ribbon elastics around recently including some DIY ones on Pinterest.  I have to say, Goody did not let me down!  These are my new favorite hair accessory.

First of all, they hold just as well as their regular elastics, which for me is a big deal.  I hate it when my hair falls's just irritating and really inconvenient.  When I'm juggling a toddler, diaper bag, car keys and groceries, the last thing I want is my hair in my face.  So the hold-factor is a big deal.

Secondly, they look really cute!  It's summer so I want some fun and color when it comes to my wardrobe.  Yeah, normally, I don't look to my hair accessories for those things, but hey...this is an easy switch.  Trust me, these are cute without being cutesy.  I'm 26 so there's a fine line between cute-but-age-appropriate hair accessory and I'm-clinging-to-my-youth-with-an-iron-fist hair accessory.  These fall under the former.

Did I mention they don't damage your hair?  That's also a plus.  Oh and if you're like me and always have a hair tie around your know, just in case...then these are also for you.  They lie flat, so there's no dent on your wrist. And again, they're pretty enough that they don't look bad on your wrist either.  

**I feel I must tell you that I did get these elastics for free from Influenster with the understanding that I would write a review.  HOWEVER, I am nothing but honest about anything I review...if I didn't like them, I'd tell you.