Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Mommy on the Go Beauty Routine

I know many of you out there are busy moms like me.  I know when I had my son I felt really overwhelmed with the new job.  There's so much pressure to be super mom...lose the baby weight, breastfeed/all organic/homemade baby food, have a spotless house, and do it all with a smile.  Honestly, once I got the hang of the baby thing and realized that everything didn't have to be perfect ALL the time, it got easier.  But then I looked in the mirror...whoa!  Amid all the diaper changing, night feedings, and cleaning, I realized I had quit wearing makeup entirely.  Why would I?  The only time I left the house was for the grocery store or the doctor's office.

So anyway...I finally decided that I needed to give myself a little attention too.  I wanted to start wearing makeup again, but I needed to cut my routine down dramatically.  I no longer have time for a full face, so I needed to maximize what little makeup I did use.  Over the last year and a half, I've gotten my routine down to 5 minutes...not bad, right?  It's a good thing because my son does NOT like waiting for me!

My must-haves are these:  BB cream, lip balm, mascara.  That's IT.  It's simple, fresh, and natural.  The BB cream combines SPF, tint, and moisture.  SPF is a in non-negotiable!  Lip balm is awesome because what I use is both moisturizing and tinted.  Any product that does more than one thing is a big yes in my book!  Last, but not least, mascara...I have small eyes so it really helps them to 'pop.'

So as you know, I got a new BB cream that I've been trying out.  The Olay Fresh Effects BB Cream is what Influenster sent me and I have to say, I do like it.  I used to use the Garnier BB Cream and I like Olay's better.  In my opinion, it's less greasy and is lighter than the Garnier.  Garnier is good when I'm having serious  skin issues because it's more opaque.  The Olay formula is much more sheer and allows for my naturally rosy cheeks to shine through.  With all BB Creams, if you have blemishes, you'll still need to use concealer, but I like to only use that when I really need it.

The lip balm I use is Maybelline's Baby Lips.  Is super easy to apply and moisturizes my lips (for up to 8 hours!).  They come in a limited amount of colors, but they just added a neon line for you girls who like to make a statement!

My mascara is the Ulta brand BountiFULL Lashes Mascara.  It's supposed to fortify my lashes and promote growth, but to be totally honest...I haven't noticed any extra growth.  I do, however, like the color and the smooth application.

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